Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Health Update

It's been four months since my stem cell/bone marrow transplant. It seems longer than that. And it has been some time since I gave an update on how I am doing.

I praise God for the healing and strength that He has brought to me during these weeks. I must admit, however, that the last few weeks have been a little harder. As I mentioned on March 22, I tested positive for cytomegalovirus (CMV) again. CMV is, I said then, rather common for transplant patients to get which why they test for it every week when I go to the bone marrow transplant clinic.

This was the second time I tested positive for it and I bounced back quite well the first time. This second time, however, I have not. While I am clear of the virus now, my neutrophil levels recently dropped to their lowest levels since my transplant and my blood sugar levels rose to levels well above normal. Talking with other transplant patients during our interminably long waits at the clinic, my wife learned that the rising blood sugar levels are not uncommon and due to the medication that I am taking (probably prednisone, that most "blessed" of drugs; useful but wow, what side effects!!).

However, the net result has been that my energy levels are not what they were a month ago and that is a little discouraging. I praise God that I am still able to function mentally, however (although some might call that into question too) and so I still go into the office four days a week.

I would ask for your prayers for my energy to return. Pray too, that my blood levels would return to a semblance of normal and that God would protect me from any further viral infections. I am eager to assume some of my travel responsibilities but I also need to exercise wisdom. Thankfully, I have a wonderful team of co-workers and family who help me to set my limits.

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