Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Glenn's IDOP sermon

If you are interested in hearing my sermon that I preached last weekend (International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church) at City Centre Baptist Church, you can download a copy by clicking here.  Given that I was really feeling rather poorly that day, I believe that God intervened and really helped me, but you can decide for yourself after listening to it


  1. Glen,i listened to your sermon and I was blessed.
    Prayer for the persecuted brothers and sisters has been a way of life for me for many years.It was good to listen to you and be encouraged and not gve up.I know that you have your personal struggle with cancer and I pray for you regularly.Suzanna CR5

  2. Thank you so very much for your kind comments and for your prayers

  3. Hi Glen,

    My husband and I attended City Centre Baptist Church last Sunday...almost by chance. It was my Dad's birthday so we went to be with him. We had no idea what was in store for is when we entered the doors of the church. When we sat in the pew and the pastor told us what the topic was for the service my husband whispered to me, "this was the wrong Sunday to pick to come". He knows my biggest fear in life has been about being tortured or persecuted for what I believe. I have always known too, that outside of the Western World there is a lot of pain and suffering that goes on amongst our brothers and sisters in Christ. So admittedly I was afraid of your sermon but I also knew God wanted me to listen. I haven't been the same since. My husband and I spent Sunday night together crying and praying for those around the world who are suffering. Your message was probably the most powerful and memorable sermon I have ever listened to. I don't think my life will be the same again. I find myself praying every few hours for the persecuted church and those who are suffering. I'll be watching T.V. and soon find myself wondering what the imprisoned Christians around the world are doing. Or I'll be eating dinner wondering if they are getting food today or if they will go hungry. God, through you has encouraged me to do my part and so I have started to write letters and have contacted VOMC to be a church rep. This being said, I want you to know that your talk last Sunday did not fall on deaf ears. God is definitely working through you and your organization to capture the hearts of Christians in Canada to do time for God and The Body. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.


  4. Thank you so very much, Ashley, for the very encouraging words. I felt so terrible thata morning that I know that it had to be God who spoke through me. God bless you.


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