Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Faith Under Fire: Canada Video Released

When I first joined The Voice of the Martyrs in 1997, I never dreamed that the day would come when we would release a video on religious liberty issues threatening Canadian Christians. In the years since, as homosexuality has been coming "out of the closet", Canadian Christians are being asked to take biblical values concerning marriage and sexual orientation out of the public realm and into the "closets" of their home and churches. "Believe what you will in private," believers are told. "But don't try to spread your beliefs in Canadian society." This privatization of faith represents, I believe, perhaps, the greatest threat to religious freedom in Canada today.

And so, I am pleased to announce the latest release from The Voice of the Martyrs in Canada; a new 30-minute video entitled Faith Under Fire: Canada. In it, you will meet Canadians from across the country who have stood up for our right to proclaim biblical truth concerning homosexuality and marriage and have paid a price to do so. Professionally produced by our Multimedia Productions Officer, Greg Musselman and Lance G. Spratt of Creative Visual Communication in Devon, Alberta, this video exposes the threat of religious privatization in Canada and challenges us to rise up and be counted in our day. You can order a copy today online from our online catalog for only $10.00 plus shipping.

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