Monday, August 18, 2008

Ontario doctors may be forced to violate religious beliefs

CPSO In what can only be seen as another sign of the increasing privatization of religious belief, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario are proposing changes that will no longer allow doctors in Ontario to opt out of such things as prescribing birth control or morning-after pills, assisting same-sex to conceive children, or doing abortions when it goes against their moral convictions or religious beliefs. Physicians would also not be allowed to refuse to do referrals in such cases. Failure to comply would result in the doctor losing his/her right to practice medicine in Ontario.

According to the draft proposal:

Personal beliefs and values and cultural and religious practices are central to the lives of physicians and their patients. However, as a physician’s responsibility is to place the needs of the patient first, there will be times when it may be necessary for physicians to set aside their personal beliefs in order to ensure that patients or potential patients are provided with the medical treatment and services they require.

Physicians should be aware that decisions to restrict medical services offered, to accept individuals as patients or to end physician-patient relationships that are based on moral or religious belief may contravene the Code, and/or constitute professional misconduct.

Jill Hefley, a spokeswoman for the college, told that the National Post that the reason for the draft was because of changes being made to the Ontario human rights system that could see doctors facing more complaints from patients who feel they are being discriminated against. In other words, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario will now become a watchdog for the Ontario Human Right Tribunal.

Once again, we see how gender, sexual orientation, and abortion “rights” are seen as more important that religious rights. The message that is being clearly sent to Ontario doctors is, “Believe what you will in your homes and churches, but you don’t dare bring your faith into your workplace or society in general.”

1 comment:

Danny Wright said...

" the needs of the patient first"

That's just it, that's what a good physician is doing in the case of a mother and her unborn baby. I'd think that living would qualify as a need.

So much for choice.