Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bulletin en français (August 2009)

aug_09_french_nlTéléchargez une copie de notre lettre de nouvelles françaises publiée bimensuellement par notre mission affiliée en Belgique. Notez que l'Aide aux Église  Martyres (AEM) est indépendante de Voice of the Martyrs Canada. Nous n'avons donc pas contribué à son contenu et les projets mentionnés ne sont pas nécéssairement endossés par VOMC.

Newsletter in French (August 2009)

Download a copy of our Belgian mission’s bi-monthly newsletter in French.  Please note, however, that l’Aide aux Eglises Martyres (AEM) is a separate mission from The Voice of the Martyrs in Canada and as such, we do not necessarily endorse the projects mentioned nor did we contribute to the content. 

Also please note that we do not presently have staff who are able to communicate effectively in French. All inquiries and communications with us should continue to be in English.  We hope to provide full bilingual service in the near future.  We are providing the service above as a “first step” in better fulfilling our mission to all Canadians.

1 comment:

jacob said...

If these two women received death penalty, then I say the Lord our God had allowed this. And the result will be the BEGINING of the similar happend hundred + yrs ago in Rome, = we shall see Iran will receive the LOVE of the savier of the whole world- JESUS CHRIST!